Friday, March 12, 2010

Blue Collar...

It's a typical Thursday, but a nice change from last week. :)

People never fail to amaze me, a lady came in the other morning wanting to report her social security card and bank card stolen. She was fully prepared with her own pre-written statement, and some bank printouts... the only thing is, she couldn't tell us when it was stolen, and she "assumed" this one person had taken it because this same person had applied for credit cards in her grandmothers name...and this lady had at one time went to the grandmother's house...

Then she proceeded to tell the officer that she had lost nearly 3k but hadn't discovered it until nearly 2 months later...

We received a warrant for her from a neighboring county the next day for bogus checks.

like I said, I don't get people sometimes... :)

tonight I'm watching Blue Collar comedy with one of the officers...

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